Hifz-e-Quran Course


Hifz Quran Online for kids and adults is our famous course to memorize Quran Online in a short time. Memorize Quran with expert Native Arab and non-Arab Quran tutors Online.

Hafiz In Islam

A person who memorizes the Quran is called ‘Hafiz’, the keeper and the guardian. He learns the verses to keep them safe in his heart. To learn the Quran word by word is an act of great reward if done solely to seek Allah’s pleasure.

Such a person is ranked high in status in this world and in the hereafter. He deserves to be looked down upon with respect. Today people are busy and they do not have time to memorize understand and memorize Quran. So, we are living in the technology era it is good to take online Quran memorization classes to save time and better understanding.
The following points will elaborate on the status of the hafiz e Quran in Islam.

1. Recite and Rise

Just imagine what a person who has memorized 6666 ayats of the Quran will get in Jannah! Obviously, Allah will make him stand out from the rest because of his status. The Reward of memorizing Quran is very clear in the following saying.

It is narrated in Al-Tirmidhi, Prophet Muhammad SAWW said,

“ It will be said to the companion of the Quran: Recite and ascend as you recited in the world! Verily, your rank is determined by the last verse you recite.”

The topmost Jannah is reserved for the one who has memorized the Quran because he will recite the Quran and reach the peaks. SUBHAAN ALLAH.

2. The Day of Judgement

On the day of Judgement when everyone would be perplexed and scared of the severity and dreadful results, the huffaz would be sitting as calm as a sea. Such is the importance of Hifz that it is narrated by Umar R.A, that Prophet Muhammad SAWW said,

“Three persons will have no fear of the horrors on the day of Judgement, nor will they be required to render any account. They will stroll merrily on mounds of musk until the people are relieved of rendering their account. One is a person who learns Quran, merely seeking Allah’s pleasure.’’

3. Privilege to Lead Prayers

The status and ranks of the Hafiz e Quran are much higher than others as they are the ones whom Prophet Muhammad SAWW ordered to let lead in the prayers.
One of the benefits of being a hafiz is to have more chances to do the amamat regardless of his seniority, status, or sect.

In an authentic Hadith, Prophet Muhammad said;
“The people should be led in prayer by the one among them who has the most knowledge of the book of Allah”

If we get into the detail, we understand that a hafiz has the most knowledge of the Quran because they memorize Quran with understanding.
Also, without understanding, memorization is a total rot learning that might not bear the rewards equal to the one who knows and practices all the ayats with proper understanding.

4. Crown for Parents

The parents of the Hafiz are the luckiest ones on this Earth. They channeled their kids towards Islam, brought them up Islamically, and paved the way to make the hifz of the Quran easy for them.
Not only Such Parents are honored and respected in this world but will be rewarded abundantly on the day of judgment.

According to the hadith, Prophet Muhammad SAWW said,
“Whosoever recites the Quran and practices upon its injunctions, the reciter’s parents will be given a crown on the day of Qiyammah. The brightness of that crown will be more intense than the brightness of the Sun in your actual house.”

Now, this is something really enchanting and motivating for Parents to prepare and make stances for their kids to memorize Quran and get hifz course for their beloved kids.

5. Looked Upon with Envy

If you are a practicing Muslim and your intentions are to learn everything to please Allah and the Prophet SAWW, then you must look down upon 2 people with envy.
According to the words of hadith, A hafiz is someone whom you can envy upon.

Prophet SAWW said,
“There is no jealousy but of two men, A man whom Allah has taught the Quran and he recites it during the hours of the night and during the hours of the day and his neighbors listen to him and says, “I wish I had been given what has been given to so and so, in order that I might do what he does.”

6. Infinite Rewards

The hafiz, who spends hours memorizing and revising Quran is far superior to an ordinary person. Huffaz always stay focused and determined and try their best to do every little deed to please Allah and gain rewards.
As they know the verses by heart, so they have the opportunity to quote any ayat whenever and where ever it is required.
Furthermore, being so attached and connected to Quran, they are the ones who gain rewards for every single letter of the Quran they recite. As per the hadith, for every single letter that is uttered, the reciter earns 10 good deeds. Quran has 6666 ayats in it. We can not even imagine how much rewards the hafiz earns while reciting the Quran.

The more they make the voice beautiful, the rewards are doubled as Allah says in Surah Al-Muzzammil,
“And Recite the Quran in a slow pleasant tone.”

The exact reward is definitely known only to Allah as he knows the intentions of the reciter and the hard work and effort he/she puts into his recitation. But, the status with respect to the reward is definitely high for the Hafiz e Quran.

7. Overshadowed by Angels.

There are numerous authentic hadiths that refer to the tranquility being descended upon the houses and people who recite Quran, whether alone or in a gathering.
Several hadith refer to the place where Quran is recited and people get busy in the remembrance of Allah, Angels overshadow that place with their wings.
A hafiz who knows all or much of the Quran recites it day and night to make the lessons error-free. They are surrounded by angels and peace and tranquility are always with them.

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